Original naag mani in mumbai demand only 2cr (NM)
I have genuine Financer with Buyer to finance the expenditures incurred in concluding SUPER ANTIQUE ARTICLES deals. NO NEED TO WORRY about any sort of expenses ,as it will be taken care by the Financier . ( Conditions apply).
Any seller having genuine SUPER ANTIQUE article with authenticity proofs of the article finding difficulties in selling their precious articles, can now relax and approach us with their article details for our company approval and consideration.
We will NOT ENTERTAIN LONG MEDIA CHAIN. Only 1-2 Media permissible, who can bring seller in front for direct communications with us. Business will only be discussed with DIRECT OWNERS and nothing with MEDIA. Media will be protected for their commission part once the business is finalised.
Sellers of the SUPER ANTIQUE ARTICLES like- EIC MIRROR , GOGGLES , MOR PANKH , RP, HERBALS ,ETC...can reach us at : dhanraj.dhankar@gmail.com
Complete thread:
- Original naag mani in mumbai demand only 2cr -
2017-10-13, 05:41
- Original naag mani in mumbai demand only 2cr - Pandiyan, 2017-10-13, 06:05
- Contact me - sharma punjab, 2017-10-13, 19:25
- Original naag mani in mumbai demand only 2cr - dhanraj.dhankar, 2017-10-26, 13:43
- Original naag mani in mumbai demand only 2cr - Bron123, 2017-10-26, 13:54
- Original naag mani in mumbai demand only 2cr - goldcif, 2017-10-27, 21:12
- Original naag mani in mumbai demand only 2cr - dhanraj.dhankar, 2017-12-21, 15:10
- Original naag mani in mumbai demand only 2cr - Kchennai, 2017-12-25, 20:09