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by Admin, Friday, December 22, 2017, 16:41 (2584 days ago) @ dhanraj.dhankar

dhanraj.dhankar, Forum provides a platform for people to exchange ideas, express opinions and share their experiences. Also, we do not judge who is right or wrong. We have also clearly mentioned on our website, currently pinned as the first post with the subject, Admin does not decide who is Right or Wrong, and we don't evaluate people.

(1) The "Admin" or the Moderators or the owners of the website DO NOT buy or sell anything.

(2) The "Admin" or the Moderators or the owners of the website do not judge people and don't decide as to who is right or wrong.

We do not allow people posting in the forum to use abusive or offensive language. We remove such content as soon as we come across such parts or posts. Beyond that, we cannot evaluate / decide who is right or wrong, or who is stating facts or not.

As we have mentioned above, since we have no control over the correctness or the verifiability of the content in the posts made by visitors and members of our website/forum, blaming us or holding us responsible for the same is neither warranted nor justified.

It is not correct on your part to criticize the website or the Admin because of the posts of others.

For more info, go through the Terms & Conditions. ______ Admin

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