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by BMW ahmed, Saturday, December 23, 2017, 05:38 AM (2369 days ago) @ antiquebuyer15

Dear antiquebuyers15 The way have you have spotted favouring this fraud NREE.ASIA ,so-called company, that i am sure you are also a direct part of fraudulent activities for duping people and what ever you are claiming in support of your company is a big, genuine is absolutely an eye wash ,non-technical , non-acceptable that you can start from Mr. Dambal to Petronas. Now as because you have write down that NREE.AISA never fail to perform only seller fail to do what seems to me every activities and movements are well established to you. Now i have some technical and legal questions to you to respond for understanding the bigger-ness of the company. 1. what is the legal status of the company in India ? As i am sure this is a proprietor ship company and Mr. Siddique is a simple proprietor of this company. As this is proprietorship firm how an Indian resident can open an office in USA and Japan ? There is no legal validity of the proprietor ship unregistered firm . So such a big company is a proprietorship firm ? 2. You have claimed Mr.Damabal is the promoter of NREE.ASIA ? , whereas Mr. Dambal one year before also putting fees to other company for taking the chance of cracking deal, reference House Of Rare and after putting lot of fees he came to know that is also a fraud company, so, it is cleared and well understood that you people are trying to take the benefit from his personal profile inspite of giving the detail of your original promoter's profile and back ground. 3. It has been verified that there is no establishment in USA and Japan. All proofs will be submitted into public domain very recent. 4.You have taken the name of sotheby's and christies whereas no where connected with sotheby's and christies, so again same strategy has been done taking the name 5. It has been shown the website address has been created from India only giving all the details of the Gurgaon office and your company's so-called asian head (open loop ) Mr. siddqiies personal details, so one foreign ,un-regsitered company has made the website address by a simple web developer from India ,right ? 6. no one receive any call in USA , if anyone call to Japan number then that call diverted to your Delhi-wala company proprietor ? but till you are claiming you have establishment in Japan and USA ? Means for such a big company tell-caller, public relationship officer, call attendant , asian head is same a single person i.e. Mr.Siddiqi right ? 7.You have no licence from DRDO , RTI has been filed with Govt.Of India , MOD very soon that will come into public domain 8.Yo have claimed a proprietor ship firm NREE is doing auction, buying and selling radioactive material and curio , natural rare earth materials also from the licensing capacity from DRDO ? 9. and for all USA office, Japan office, Indian office there is only a single email id for operation .It means for any inquiry the so-called asian head is doing the work of an office bearer ? What is the strength of employee in India ? forget about USA, Japan ? 10. What is the CIN , TIN and DIN No of your company and company promoter ? You don't have any CIN ,DIN, TIN even GST number also ? Then how you are taking fees, charges from Client ?

There are hundred questions i have and it has been decided to inform every competent authorities , investigating agency to initiate an investigation probe against this organisation. We have every sort of materialistic proof whatever we are claiming and if needed everything we will post tin this blog . NREE.ASIA and it's activities is big threat for Indian National Security and for the larger interest of the public we are behind this FRAUD company who targeted innocent people to dupe in this gullible activities in the name of RP, Rice-Puller. I am waiting for your quick reply. Hope this post will see you good in health. Thanks

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