He is a cheater (General)
99.99% RP, DRP, SP and trust with liquid people are cheater. They don't know properly what the material is. They will call u and check. If you have backup, then they will make u wait by saying that material id coming, coming and coming. But if you are innocent then 100% sure they will rob u. So be careful and and don't go any where. Try to deal with educated and wealthy people.
Complete thread:
- Rp available -
2018-03-05, 04:00
- Rp available - sultaan, 2018-03-05, 05:08
- Rp available -
2018-03-05, 11:43
- Rp available - bala1968, 2018-03-05, 15:17
- Rp available - utpal, 2018-03-09, 23:34
- Rp available - sachin odeyraj, 2018-03-05, 12:07
- He is a cheater. -
2018-03-05, 15:10
- He is a cheater -
2018-03-05, 15:24
- He is a cheater - JAYESH SHAH, 2018-03-05, 19:47
- He is a cheater -
2018-03-05, 15:24
- where? - kktrading59, 2018-03-05, 15:46
- Rp available - Ram charan, 2018-03-06, 13:50