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Don't do escrow (ADV - Financial)

by Fundsgiving, Monday, March 19, 2018, 23:42 (2496 days ago) @ Fundsgiving
edited by Fundsgiving, Monday, March 19, 2018, 23:53

<-- duplicate "New topic" in one day - moved here by Admin --> People who are new to this work, never do escrow and all that as nothing happens only mess happens over money. So beware of road side broker's who ask for escrow and mainly who fix meeting at cp delhi. All are fake

Use your common sense when you go to Meet people, they don't have money to pay for tea or coffee but want to fix meeting at 5 star, they dont have real company but it's a people of fake who just need escrow, they will find mistakes in you no matter what so before giving money or doing escrow use your mind.

Business is not done on conditions like these and RBI never gave any company premission to do big RTGS from laptops.

You can visit rbi office and ask from there else finance ministry is there so before anyone make you fool use your mind.

Company who is real will sit accross table and will exchange papers than asking for 2 lakhs or 5 lakhs or to do escrow.

I did many black white deal and never did escrow and also did work inside the bank as well.

Till yet never got CSR company who gives donation.

This is the truth and i am not afraid to tell it.

I did re donation work as well.

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