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Fund for Trust (General)

by Fundsgiving, Saturday, May 05, 2018, 21:38 (2447 days ago) @ niranjanfunding
edited by Fundsgiving, Saturday, May 05, 2018, 21:41

Whenever you want see working trust, come to delhi with 10 lakhs, all documents will be given and as well come to bank for in and out.

If trust will be working with all valid documents then leave 10 lakhs else take 15 lakhs.

You loser government banned but not all, there are trust who are running as political background of all parties thats why new bill was passed that no one can ask from where fund came and how much amount came into trust from any country.

You are loser and will be a loser as you give wrong and false information just to crack your losee deal.

Su*k my d*ck =))

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