Legit transfers available in india (ADV - Financial)
<-- duplicate "New topic" in one day - moved here by Admin -->
All buyers welcome to my services
I legit man of transfers
Clean transfer available (instant)
Clean Bank transfers $150-$1500 $200-$2000 $500-$5000 $1000-$10000
Clean PayPal transfers $150-$1500 $200-$2000 $500-$5000
Western union transfers $150-$1500 $200-$2000 $500-$5000
Skrill transfers $150-$1500 $200-$2000
Paytm transfers
Contact me On icq:709287398....
Complete thread:
- Legit transfers available -
2018-05-24, 17:43
- Legit transfers available in india - chow, 2018-05-24, 18:02
- <-- removed by Admin --> - chow, 2018-05-24, 19:17