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by PALE GREEN, Thursday, August 23, 2018, 15:50 (2388 days ago)

Greetings Forum Members! 23 AUGUST 2018

PALE GREEN went through many theories about the third planet in our solar system "The Earth" an astronomical object formed with certain number of minerals naturally occurring a chemical compound and form natural geological processes in context the repelling forces arise on earth's magnetic fields.

Experiments conducted and accomplished results on 1. Copper Test Steel / Needle Repelling forces. [Distance Measured] 2. The Experiment Torch shown good results. [Distance Measured] 3. The Watch stops in seconds [Distance Measured] 4. Washable Multiple Times [Tested] 5. The methodology proved with longevity and will remain its property for at least Ten years to infinite.

NOTE: Do not come under interaction with so called “DRP Makers ". What makes these people to be defined as “DRP Makers ". To be suggested do not waste your investments. Think wise if they are “DRP Makers “so called how they get chemicals and know about them and saying I do. If so they have done before. But no success stories came into light, instead seen in forum claiming their sorrows. In simple the analysis went through many instances the “DRP Makers " so called asking advance a sum of amount for no reason, people do not accept their words and continue interaction for no result.

PALE GREEN ANALYSIS POSTING THIS ARTICLE to route giving proper answers in delivering article. write to

Chemical DRP a saying "word phrase" is wrong pronunciation. Copper metal is non attractive to Iron-Steel-Cobalt-Nickel and magnets. The planet Earth contains many magnetic fields & forces in which it attracts to magnetic particles. We stand above the surface of earth because of gravity or magnetism. It is theory based on "Relativity" and "Law of Inertia". The relativity applies to elementary particles and their interactions, describing all their physical phenomena except gravity. A body experiencing uniform circular motion requires a centripetal force, towards the axis as shown,to maintain its circular path.

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