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Every one want to richest of rich in over night? (RP)

by Rahul sha, Sunday, October 28, 2018, 12:34 (2161 days ago) @ Rahul sha

<-- duplicate "New topic" in one day - moved here by Admin -->

In each and every state ऑल over India they say, that they have ( R.P., nagamani’, auto fire bond paper, east India Petromax lamp etc) . And many company's with don't even have proper office space, they themselves claim as DRDO and RBI certified buyers and mediators etc., on the other hand sellers climb themselfs that they have original items. And there many sellers and many company buyers thats some crores of deals. But y ? Not ea single deal happening ?? Who is looting whom here, buyer r seller or the meditior . Every time in news and newspaper we see frauds of this kind but never heared positive either on internet r in any sort of media. I have noticed in the forum same person claims as buyer and the same person sometimes claims as seller etc. what is all the shit is going on here. ???

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