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Donation: Company to Trust / Company Or UTurn Work (General)

by ppr_firm, Wednesday, November 14, 2018, 18:49 (2254 days ago)


I have donor company. If anybody interested in Company to Company (or) Company to Trust donation (Or) UTurn Work contact my email. Which one need to finalize the deal that person only sent mail. It is not a time pass. Don't give fake Angadiya receipt and fake bank statements.

Here so many people need this 1. Donating Company Name. 2. Donating Company Bank Account for verifying Amount 3. Authorization Letter 4. Authorized ID from Company 5. Face to Face meeting with Trust / Company (But only media will come) 6. No receiving company / Trust documents If anybody wants the above list of documents don't waste your time and don't waste our time.

Work Procedure: (anybody interested mail me) 1. Only Hindu Trust 2. Sent list of Documents (Company / Trust) 3. Liquid load in given Angadiya (or) If they have liquid need liquid proof (4 Photos of different direction with financial code) (or) They have more than 25 cr in bank account, then need last 3 days bank statement. 4. After verification of all within 48-72 hours the transaction will be happening.

Location : Anywhere in India (Except Andhra & Telugana)

Documents Needed:

1. Sent the list of documents listed below to email

C to C documents requirement: 1) 3 yrs balance sheet. 2) Project 3)six months bank statement. 4) last 3 yrs ITR. 5) Company profile. 6) List of directors and share holding pattern certified by CS. 7) Company pan card.

C To Trust (Educational trust based on Good Banking) documents required

1. Trust Registration Certificate 2. 80G Registration certificate. 3. 12AA Registration "" 4. 35 AC if available 5. FCRA if available 6. Donation request letter 7. PAN card of the Trust. 8. PAN card of all Trustee. 9. Last 3 years IT Returns. 10. Last 6 months Nationalise Bank statement. 11. C.A approved project synopsis ( CBDT ) (OPTIONAL) 12. Cancelled cheque. 13. Trust deed. 14. List of Trustees ( KYC/ Pan ). 15. Trust profile and activities with website 16. NITI AAYOG, ID, GST registration, UID No. 17. Bank Receiving Capacity letter should be required for nearest period say within of 10 days that within 10 days before the day of actual performance that means the day Trust received donation ......... 18. Current latest balance sheet from C.A with auditor report

If you have company / trust please share your mobile number.


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