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Need genuine buyers for rp in bangalore rajmandry delhi (RP)

by Rpindia, Sunday, December 23, 2018, 08:40 AM (2012 days ago) @ anuragqwerty
edited by Rpindia, Sunday, December 23, 2018, 08:42 AM

Dear friend

Rp mr 29 rr 9 inch present in bangalore intersted company person please conect us on 9439122142 . Price also less . Owner direct with me . We cant provide any security diposit . Opening from company side and closing from company side . If unable to show r else article fake comes owner provide penality

Company can use faunder r else finacier . First meeting means normal meating in bangalore in owner place on monday then wedensday onwords work going to start . Same if articles fail r else no show owner and myself ready to provide transport and hospitality charges as penality

Rp 10 inch in rajmandry free hand show normal packing intersted team who r direct to company can proced . No security diposit . First day meeting and show second day onwords processing . If articles comes fake then ready to provide penality

Rp in delhi 18inch same procedure . Contact 9439122142 . First lets have a meet8ng then proceed . Same if no show then ready to provide penality

Vedio also avlble

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