Confirm article (RP)
Dear Associates
Me connected with Seller of article .
Details are as below.
Subject : Upper portion of pillar set (established by east india company) Metal : Copper Color : copper gold Weight: 5 kg approx Hight: 12.5 inch approx Width: 9.5 inch approx _______________________ Technical specifications This product is redioactive whic is measured by Gm counter, redioactive isotop identification device, xrf analyser, gama ossiloscope, spectram analyser ect _________________________ Subject packaging in 9 Lear chemical( those chemical ar collected from department of atomic energy unofficially) _________________________ Isotop detection : Ir189, os189, re 185, re 187 etc(all isotopes are detected by personaly GM data analysis) _________________________ Subject testing and total business deal execution arya will be PUNE _________________________ Price and any other information will discuss on telephone or on sport
Interested buyer may contact who is ready to work on technical parameters
Jayesh Shah 09322445085
Complete thread:
- Confirm article -
2019-01-16, 19:01
- Confirm article - dhanraj.dhankar, 2019-01-21, 12:30
- Confirm article - Sarfarazkhaniridium, 2019-01-30, 16:08