Looking for Genuine Donor company for General Trust (ADV - Financial)
Hello Donor
We are looking for a genuine donor for our Coimbatore based General Trust Profile As Mentioned:
1. Registration Certificate - Yes 2. 80g - Yes 3. 12A - Yes 4. Unlimited Receiving Capacity - Yes 5. FCRA - Yes 6. Niti Aayog - Yes 7. Project Approved From CA Worth 8. KYC Of Owners Available 9. Last 3 Years Audit Report Available 10. Bank Receiving Letter
Note :- No booking amount, No sitting with media person Directly table to table with Trustee & Company Staff KYC exchange. Material seeing by companies people Execution
What's up 9188818554
Complete thread:
- Looking for Genuine Donor company for General Trust -
2019-04-04, 19:15
- Looking for Genuine Donor company for General Trust -
2019-04-05, 00:14
- Looking for Genuine Donor company for General Trust - swastik, 2019-04-05, 06:37
- Looking for Genuine Donor company for General Trust -
2019-04-05, 00:14