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BTC and Flash transfer (General)

by imrks, Saturday, April 17, 2021, 12:37 (1428 days ago)

BTC We have BTC which are legit and can be used to trade & transfer (upto 3)... Cannot be withdrawn... Requirements: 35% commission, 5% advance. Remaining amount to be either handed over cash the moment transfer is done. Some one needs to be present with cash while this activity is completed Conditions: Timely communications and timely payments

Flash Transfer (Indian Account) Flash transfer will be done, cannot be transferred or cannot be withdrawn. The amount will be there in his account till the time he wants it. Requirements: 10% commission 3% advance 100% commission to be paid either before the work is done or while the work is getting done. Some one needs to be present with cash while this activity is completed Conditions: Timely communications and timely payments

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