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by DAVID @, Mumbai, Thursday, June 04, 2009, 19:31 (5779 days ago)

Hi All, This is a Be Alert Message from me to all friends who use this blog in search of a buyer to sell their product or mediate to sell tested products. There is a lady from Surat,her name is Ruqaiya Badri,who lives and operates from Surat,claiming to be a coordinator of a company called Sigma.She takes money from people like us as company fees and sends her husband Mr.Badri, a bearded fellow.They will never call a company as they dosen't have one, and they will just give excuse that the product is duplicate and flee from that place.This lady also interacts on this blog by an alais Sarrah,her mail ID is both are cheaters and will never do any work but just pocket the money that we pay as company fees. One such incident happened with us in Uttar Pradesh, where we had a product whioch we tested and called her she asked us to pay 60000/- as company fees,which we did,we were given a date on which her husband Badri was to come with the Tester, but he didn't turn up on that day,he came the next day alone anfd the tester came the other day.Whether he was the tester God knows as he did not check the product and just on the basis of the rice sample he concluded that the product was duplicate,even though after many requests from us to come and check the product the did not budge,we told them that the fees which we had paid was collected with much difficulty and so we requested them to please check the product.But instead of considering our plea her stupid husband flee with the so called Tester and switched off his mobile.When we contacted this lady(usless to call her a lady)Ruqaiya Badri she promised us that she will any how send her husband on monday ie 1/06/09 or else she will return the money which we had deposited in her account.As we doubted their genuinity they stood true, her husband didn't turn up.Today the 4th of June as I called her since morning she wouldn't pick my phone and after continuosly trying she picked and told me that she was in a meeting(GOD knows)and said that she will call at 4Pm, as suspected she didn't call,when I called her tone changed and she directly said that she will not pay the money back. Friends if any one of you out there are in any dealing with this couple(Bunty And Bubli)they will ask you to deposit the company fees in their account in the names of(Ruqaiya K Badri in YES BANK,Mr.Hebatullah A Badri in Axis Bank and SBI Bank)please don't pay the company fees as they have no company and these cheaters will pocket your hard earned money.THESE CHEATERS MOBILE NOS. ARE 9909582152, 9428057810,9727273631.THEY MAY CHANGE THEIR MOBILE NOS. AND THEIR ALIASES BUT ALL U OUT THERE BEWARE OF SUCH FRAUDS.I MAY NOT GET MY MONEY BACK BUT ATLEAST YOU'LL MAY SAVE YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY.

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