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by Vicky1209, Saturday, October 09, 2021, 04:54 PM (991 days ago)

Hello friends,

I have direct funder who can help you in RBI file clearance. Only genuine file owners and media can msg me. 7000419026


1. After personal meeting and verification of all documents (RBI issued second true copies) funder or co-ordinatoes ready to do the MOU as discussed both parties along with token amounts 5 cr owner and 5 cr to media the same day.

2.Ratio will be 60:30:10%. {Owner 30% and media 10% A+B+C } as discussed.

3. After verification all relevant pepers next day moving to Delhi for thar KYC. After KYC funder ready to give advance amount of 5 cr to owner 5 cr to media( a+b+c.)

3. Once kyc completed funder or co ordinators take the tyme for bio metrics as soon as possible.

4. Bio metric finished funder will arrange Rs. 100cr. (Rs. 50cr owner + 50 cr media) same day as mutually agreed placess.

5. After bio metric and payments terms completed owner will be stay there till complete the all formalities and complete transfer of funds.

6. If any documents errors or any other mistakes owner wil be fully responsible and returns all the money to him and media. Because medias done they're parts and tried they're duty honestly.

7. If funder or his cordinator unable to complete the works in time, owner can take his own decission to forfeited the token amount own his own. And he will be returns to his home without any intimation.

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