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RBI FILE CLEARANCE - 2022, I have best funder (General)

by quickwork, India, Tuesday, February 22, 2022, 18:00 (1053 days ago) @ girish63

Such a least illiterate man. You are a senior citizen, being a old man you are carrying such a bogus illiterate mindset and you are saying you have a so-called funder? For what?

First of all, do you even know how RBI FILE gets cleared? And in what basis it gets cleared? And in what circumstances it gets cleared?

Why do you need a funder for every freaking work?

This whole forum is filled with illiterates like you.

One day you become a Baba. One day you say you have funder. One day you post something else. One day you post something irrelevant thing and ask to contact.

I suggest you to do some good work and take care of your family, instead of fooling people by your posts.


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