Looking for third party collateral (ADV - Financial)
Hi Anyone have third party collateral of 500 Cr value property then let us know for a confirm deal. We have financier and private limited company with project for funding. We just required collateral , this is urgent work
With Regards ,
Complete thread:
- Looking for third party collateral -
2022-08-01, 13:17
- Looking for third party collateral -
2022-08-01, 13:35
- Looking for third party collateral - Devak, 2022-08-01, 19:52
- Looking for third party collateral - Sikanders, 2022-08-02, 00:00
- Looking for third party collateral - Devak, 2022-08-01, 19:56
- Looking for third party collateral -
2022-08-01, 13:35