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by Anjali999, Tuesday, August 02, 2022, 23:33 (893 days ago)


i want any genuine financer required for slot booking slot booking against we will provide live dd from indian bank on financer name and when dd will be made in the name of financer and dd will be given in the hands of financer after that financer has to do slot booking and we will provide travel ticket to finance to come to the work location and our work is in bengalore and chennai there both my receiver and sender are available just i need a genuine financer and whatever commission the financer will demand for this work will be provided to him so if any people have genuine financer then confirm me urgent.

Slot booking process

My receiver will make a DD in the name of the financier. After that the financier will book the slot in the bank account of the sender company. But before booking the slot in the bank account of the sender company, the financier and receiver will make a DD in the name of the receiver from whichever bank account the sender company has. The bank balance of that bank account needs to be verified. You can get that bank balance verified by taking sleep from ATM or inside the bank, as soon as the bank balance is verified, then immediately my financier will book the slot in the bank account of the sender company. After that the company will make a DD from its bank account in the name of the receiver and when all the DDs are ready, after that one person is receiver, one person financier and one person sender. . Inside the hotel, both will be on joint custody with DD. until the work is completed.

I have my own receiver and sender company's and my all work in bengalore but i don't have any genuine financer for slot booking

So I want only one genuine financer for my work

So if you have any genuine financer then confirm me

Contact me - 9343516692

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