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by shekar123, Friday, November 04, 2022, 11:39 AM (590 days ago)

Hi member's shekar Bangalore 8971847357

I have a RBI FILE(MANJUNATHA.M _ amount .79900c). File owner died in accident, one year back. The file has to be changed in wife name.

Note. We have done some of the work thru RBI officalls, who come to Bangalore to visit file owner houses(thrice they have come and done some work like. Phone registration, email registration, login and otp has been generated. Adharcard, pancard, bank details , IT returns has been done accordingly guided by RBI officer, lots lots of singature has been done. Every time RBI officalls come to Bangalore and login evertime has done and paper work done each time a cross cheque is given to RBI. officalls. For further work. All these r updated

Looking for investors who pay for some incompleted paper work. Coz I am running short of money now.

Note; investors has to pay in RBI bank now they have to pay 14lakhs( they will get d acknowledgement for thier money.

Need not to pay for owner/media. Bangalore location. Genuine work

Status of d file is about do biometric. RBI offically told tat they will take us to RBI quarters guest house.

Looking for investor sir

Only wats 8971847357

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