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by Singh51, Sunday, July 02, 2023, 04:16 PM (360 days ago) @ tirupati

Now you come to the topic, if you are intrested for any deal and want proof of his/her past work then you can contact that perticular person personally like a gentlemen and ask him/her profs rather then commenting this or that,scammers and all here on commemt section of every single post without even knowing him/her or without talking to him/her

And there are thousands of members in the forum and i am damn sure you dont even know any 5 of top members of the forum,so dont cliam behalf of all those thousands of member like there didnt any deal happens in last 5 years,

Smart people dosent post about succesfull deals, afterall such deals meant to be keeps secret for safety

if you dont agree with any proposal that dosent allow you to go to his/her comment section and bully him/her by saying this or that unnecessarily, better be a man and ignore, and leave that deal for other intrested members rather then spreding negativity

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