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DD to RTGs ( Looking for Surplus Receiver PAN INDIA ) (ADV - Financial)

by bhartisaurabh416, Saturday, August 19, 2023, 19:31 (511 days ago)

Need Genuine Receiver with Min 50rs Surplus fund Full KYC WORK, NO BOOKING, NO MOVEMENT CHARGE

50 - 150 + 20 ABC

100 - 350 + 50 ABC



KYC will be done The company will show you a document.

Then we will take you to the bank after KYC.

Then we will make the RTGS booking at the company on behalf of the receiver in front of you.

then your receiver has to make a DD of the same booking amount, and we will put the DD on the joint custody.

Day2 The next day, on performance day,

You or we went to the bank.

Then you have to show balance.

Then you have to pull a live bank statement,

After checking the bank statement, you need to transfer 50,000 to any other account, and after transferring the amount, we will ask you for

new bank statement to see if the amount has been deducted or not.

Then you make a DD for that amount.

We will do RTGS in front of you at the same time.

You can do in-and-out as well.

After a successful transaction,

Whatever official documents will be required after the work is completed

That email will come first.

A hard copy will come after 1-2 months.

if you have genuine receiver with min 50rs surplus amount inbox me at

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