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100 push-ups per day (ADV - Health & Fitness)

by Sergeiyakov000, Remote, Tuesday, October 01, 2024, 11:44 (47 days ago)

I’ve gone from having done maybe 100 push-ups total in my whole life to doing 100 push-ups a day in less than a week.


"Two weeks ago at a family reunion, I was playing around with my young cousins in a gym. I got soundly out-benched by my 14 year old cousin who weighs the same as me. Granted, I’m a 42 year old female and he’s a male with a part time job as a ranch hand, but still. I’m in decent shape, could basically match him on pull-ups and farmer’s carry, so it was a surprise to me that my bench press was so deficient. Since my normal life seemed to be lacking any exercise of that muscle area, I decided to actively target it with some exercise: push-ups.

Thursday: I did one set of 20 push-ups. It was absolutely miserable. Afterwards, I immediately FaceTimed a friend to commiserate. He had recently taken up push-ups and we had some laughs about it, and then chatted about how to ramp it up. We ended up motivating each other to do another set of 20. To my surprise, not only was I able to knock it out, it was a tiny fraction less miserable than that initial set. Over the course of the day, I ended up doing 5 sets of 20, for a total of 100 for the day. I knew I would be sore the next day and then even more sore the day afterwards, so I planned two rest days.

Friday & Saturday: rest days, was entertained by the tiny seldom used muscles that were especially sore: some lower abs muscles, the muscles behind my upper elbow, and most especially the muscle connecting the shoulder to the chest.

Sunday: did another 5 sets of 20 push-ups throughout the day for another day of 100 push-ups! It was significantly less miserable than the first time, but those last two of each set were still very exhausting.

Monday: rest day

Tuesday: Another 5 sets of 20 push-ups throughout the day, 100 total!

Wednesday (today): No rest day needed, knocked out my 5 sets of 20 push-ups. I’m a 100 push-up a day person now, which is absolutely crazy to me.

Key lesson learned: having someone on FaceTime that first day to compete with and watch each other’s pain faces as we struggled through the last few push-ups of each set was extremely motivating. After that first day, just shooting texts back and forth reporting how many sets we were each up to for the day really kept the motivation up as well. Now that it’s more routine, I don’t think I’ll need the moral support next week aside from just reporting accomplishment at the end of the day. And after that, I expect I won’t even need to do that to keep it up. We’ll see!"


NB : The story above was curled from a forum where fitness motivational stories were told. I picked up the story and started working with it and it has helped reshape my lifestyle .

If you have a fitness story that motivates, kindly post them in the comment section below . We learn everyday and your daily fitness routine could be another person’s motivation to do more.

This is beyond the scope of what I offer on this forum, but I believe that no knowledge is power.If this story motivated me, I believe it will do the same for you. If you feel motivated by this story, leave a remark below .

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