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by venu @, hyderbad, Friday, March 04, 2011, 07:10 AM (4840 days ago) @ Vande Mataram

hi dear all, What's this crap all abt , are we memorising what we are by arguing on this unworthy ,unethial statements made by a bushmen adoptation of uncivilized culture will always stinks this way...

U MR .T -pass ..may me ur r a NRI ,spent sometime in abroad bcoz of that ur mind got deviated..more over attracted to all the sizzling beauties and artificial mumbo- jumbos... which has resulted in these senceless speachs.

Look mr > What india is ,and what it is worth of entire World knows it ..your great grand father ,ur grand father may be had left there memories here , first repect your land ..what ever now it is , how ever it is .. this is only a single nation had rich culture in entire world ..stong in patriotism,and a great history ..

while the rest got developed few centuries back ..

here now i dont like to educate some one like you who's body present and mind absent ..just i leave u by this telling " do not under estimate any one ' love ur country bcoz our great grand father',father's blood still wet and smells here..their memories burried here ..their foot steps has walked this nation their principles rock binded mass cultures here.. so plz take knowledge first and then speak ..

half mind always dangerous ...

good luck.

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