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Rp found 10.5 feet high radition (General)

by venu bharadwaj @, hyderabad, Monday, June 09, 2008, 02:04 (6137 days ago)

helloo every one, i am looking for best tantric /or doctor /or/guru who are well aware of RP and some thing like JB and who can able to lift the hidden treasures , if any one are there like that ten i can show them the biggest one ever found in india , that's Rp with a high radition of 10.5 feet , which is in earth , near to my place hyderabad . so contact venu bhardwaj for further details...

radition about 10.5 feet deapth : 5 to 6 feet item : kamandal of sadhu's weight : 2kg

bye venu bhardwaj 09985184333

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