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ADV -Satellite Phones: What Are They Along with Why Have One (ADV - Electronics)

by Zoodoevania ⌂ @, Sierra Leone, Tuesday, May 24, 2011, 08:41 PM (4772 days ago)

Just what is a Satellite phone A telephone that transports and receives via satellites that supply coverage around the world. There are two huge satellite phone companies that offer services to the consumer: Iridium and Globalstar, together with a newer, smaller one: Thuraya. Let's review the satellite phone products and services: Iridium It uses low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites and provides phone and pager service that has global coverage. Internet access can be bought at 10 Kbps, while data access can be purchased at 2. 4 Kbps. That it was announced in 1990 along with finalized in 1998 using a total cost of $6 billion dollars, Iridium was the to begin with global satellite phone company. To provide standard cellular phone service, the system originally applied cellular partners when satellites were not required. Globalstar Covering roughly 80% for the world's surface, this satellite-based sales and marketing communications company offers voice in addition to short messaging services. Globalstar used LEO satellites and handheld phones right after Iridium, but they were the first to use the high quality QUALCOMM's CDMA technology. With support for several cellular modes and satellite, Globalstar phones let you use all the standard facilities when possible and, while in remote areas, switch to the satellites. That Globalstar service was pulled out in late 1999. Thuraya Country wide telecommunication operators and overseas investment houses founded Thuraya inside 1997. It's home base is during Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The satellite was built through the Boeing Satellite Systems formerly known as Hughes. On October 20, 2000 the sea Launch Zenti-3SL rocket lifted heli-copter flight Odyssey Launch Platform. The application delivered the Thuraya satellite so that you can geosynchronous transfer orbit, which often weighed 11, 260 lb .. The United Kingdom, Denmark, Sudan, Romania, and Italy were the first countries in which the system was tested. The second satellite, Thuraya-2, was shipped with the Boeing facility to the ocean Launch Company, in order being placed in orbit, with early June 2003. This really positioned over the Ocean Ocean, on the Equator set. Currently, the Thuraya system discusses over 100 countries in the middle East, Europe, Africa together with Asia. Why use a good satellite phone? First and a lot of important, the satellite phones cover a broad area, and the Iridium devices, actually, the whole country. Second, since, the premature 2000, the costs of these type of phones offers dropped dramatically, making them more accessible to the public. Third, while they use satellites for remote sectors of the planet, when in populated areas, they change to regular cellular antennas, thus making them even more cost effective. Fourth, and this is valid only for the Globalstar system, the technology their phones use is high-end, increasing the data transfer speed and to be able to receive faxes or e-mail wherever that you're. Fifth, and maybe the main, with the constant terrorist risk looming over every firm’s head, if the typical, cellular network fails (in case of a bomb attack), a satellite phones, will not necessarily. Why NOT use a satellite phone? As useful for the reason that satellite phones may end up, they still have a few downsides, when comparing those to the usual cellular phones. Their data speed would be one of the many downsides, since, it's far smaller then in the regular cell-phones, even any time constantly increasing. Another disadvantage is their bulky overall look and weight. Overall, if you ever must go somewhere online computer support, such as on safari or diving on a remote island, or if you just want to be sure that regardless what you can speak with your business partners then satellite phones could be the answer. <a href="">Satellite phone sales</a> | <a href="">satellite phone plans</a>

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