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indianpapercurrency (ADV - Website)

by santoshyadav, Sunday, August 07, 2011, 02:27 (4906 days ago) @ vinay aneja


Your one rupee note printed in 1960 is a fake note as no one rupee note was printed in the year 1960.

I have already answered your question in detail earlier and my answer was very clear , but here you are trying to prove me wrong and you are not satisfied with my answers, if you think i am wrong or you have more information than me, than what can i do?, why are you asking me to convince you.... I am not obligated to answer any of your queries.

You are free to do the following:

1.)believe whatever you want, 2.)sell whatever you want, 3.)buy whatever you want, 4.)write whatever you want.

You don't need to argue with me or prove me wrong, I never tried to prove you wrong?It was you who started this conversation/argument.

Please do not expect any more replies from me in the future, because i will not be replying to you anymore.

Best Regards Santosh Yadav 9926-777-123

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