My Friend Complete 1 RP Deal Gots 5000CR for 2Inch in South (RP)
hello mr,Hazrababu my friend is completed one original RP deal of 2inch in south gots 5000CR in White in 10days ok in this field people are not mad who are keep running to search for rp,nm,mp,lp,bc,bt,sp etc ok u need a proper channel and genuine person (seller-media-buyer) ok then u will finish the deal ok mr
thanks and regards
the game
Complete thread:
- Have u compleated at least one deal or RP?? any body? -
2011-11-27, 10:30
- Have any body compleated at least one deal of RP?? - hazrababu, 2011-11-28, 11:23
- My Friend Complete 1 RP Deal Gots 5000CR for 2Inch in South -
The Game H-H-H,
2011-11-28, 11:31
- My Friend Complete 1 RP Deal Gots 5000CR for 2Inch in South - hazrababu, 2011-11-28, 18:56