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Rice puller seller (RP)

by Chaitanya Varanasi ⌂ @, Mumbai, Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 17:25 (6064 days ago)

I am an agent Chaitanya Varanasi (09769201942) of a friend Jagdish Amlani (Mobile No: 09322673593) who has a rice puller copper iridium equipment. The details of the rice puller are as follows: * 19.600 kg weight * pulls rice from all sides * metal pulls rice from 15 inches * rice to rice pulls from 4 inches * water to rice 3 inches timing is for 10 minutes * metal to torch test distance from 5 feet Interested buyers kindly look in the above details and give your feedback. Thanks, Chaitanya Varanasi Mumbai

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