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by Condemner @, India, Wednesday, November 25, 2009, 21:13 (5526 days ago) @ BUYER

To the blind forum members,

People, who talk about several hundred crores actually doesn't have "Pennies" on their pocket for their daily needs. Everyone are living in "Castels on Air" and it is nice to imagine than their actual life. Nothing will happened rather wasting their time and life.

Answer for the following:

1.Your people are talking about illegal deals in most cases, and people who wants to buy are buying on their own interest,.. in such case, why people has to pay them "FEES" for their arrival? If they don't want the item, just can sit quite closing all holes. Why to cheat other people saying "Stories" about stuff and their "Virtual Value"?

2.In fact, there are no "Buyers", only "Brokers" in this kind of Business. So, who are introducing themselves as "Buyers" surely are "Mediators/Brokers" and who are grabbing money in the form of "FEE" from "Sellers" are only these "Brokers", because it is their "Livelyhood". Who condemn it?

3.As 90% of people discuss/talk about illegal deals, no "Buyer" claim that they want "FEE" to get "Permissions from Govt/authories"..... lol:-P

4.And moreover, 99% of the guys who are here never make any "Buying" with the "Numbers" they quote for "Stuff which has really no real-use" so far. But, they always grabbing huge money from "Possessors of the Stuff" saying many unformal tests which has no significance., here the looser is "Seller" who trust "Buyers aka Brokers". Not this true?

5.Anyone can tell me "What is the relation of 'Bud-opening' with my 'Antique Book' or 'metalic' or a 'currency note'?" Don't you think, it is just to make you a fool and if the "Stuff" is really valuable, they simply grab it from you giving you some "Pea-nuts" saying, "Item not passed tests" .... Condemn?;-)

Kick out the people who 1st talk about "Fee" or "Testing Fee" or "Showing Fee" etc., as their intention is very clear that, "one of you gonna loose your money for nothing".

If Seller has item, he need not collect any penny "to show" or give "info" and if the Buyer wants to buy the item according to his interest, himself has to spin wherever that available and He has no right to claim his expenses from Sellers. If this is the rule, "in day to day life, how many lakhs of rupees each of you are paying to sellers/buyers of your items"? LoL

Do business according to your own interests without involving this kind of "Robbery" from "others".

Condemner Close-to-reality

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