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Our ingeneral working process. (General)

by abid, MUMBAI, Tuesday, July 03, 2012, 07:53 (4592 days ago)

Hello friends greetings,

* IMPORTANT NOTE. This is ingerneral procedure, many vary depending on proposal.

*Company fees is manditory. (If you cant pay company feeses and want us to sponcer same you have to provide evidences of material in your controll. And have to pay expenses as surity amount.)

#Once Our representative inspect material with our guideliness and confirms it, we will concider proposal as Geniune.

#We will provide date of reaching to destination.

#Appriser will perform inspection as per sellers claim free hand with no ristriction.

#Once Apprise approves we will activate the final Company movement.

#Sr. Officials will reach destination within three working days (72hrs) pripared with initial token and company profile/past performance.

#Appriser will perform same in presence of Sr officials 3 times in a day starting first performance as early as possible so complete all three before Banking hours over. This is to check the consitancy of Timing.

#Mean time documatation will be pripared for seller and buyer agreement and how material is going to be declared.

#Token will be paid upon signing agreement.

#Material will be sealed and we will organise joint custody in a 5star Hotel.

#All benifiteries have to give there KYC docs with Banking details.

#Payments will be started.

#Documents will be handed over to seller/ C.A representing seller of declartions and taxations. Along with all benifiteries revelent documents.

#Once Seller and Benifiteries satifies with accounts settlement and done transaction online as well as physical, All have to give NOC to buyer.

# Joint custody will be lifted and buyer will mobilise material.




[email protected]

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