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by SUDHIR @, Monday, December 17, 2012, 05:34 AM (4212 days ago)

Dear friends hello to everybody these is my second post to ricepuller forum i have seen many disbelief n myth regading rp among our media family. That rp gives jhatkas hurt humanbeing due to is radiation. Rp is a super power antique but not a radiation material which can hurt anybody. Due to is power used for missile n weapon technology DRDO permission is required for buyer to complete deal n to carry anywear in world. once rp declared ok by tester n movement happen then another group of buyer come with a power sucking machine n then it is kept in joint custody machine is so complicated nobody will dare touch it except expert with a password. Now a day cheater have started fooling people by new story that some scientiest from idiot nasa or barc or drdo have packed the rp in anti radiation 6 or 9 layers of packing kit or they will say one company ok the artical but not want to deal in terior of remote are can't do payment these all is rubbish stories of cheater. There is no dp or tantrik rp in these world if u see ricepulling it will be ogy or gimmick of cheater which will make wow to it engineer also. U must have never heard deal of dp rp by genuine buyer because <-- text removed by Admin --> can do these magic <-- text removed by Admin -->. These deal is happening since 80's uptill now many have benifited by god grace n there destiny but as like other business n field these field is 99 percent full of cheating fake buyer fake seller group which has made these business more difficult to happen. I would appeal my all fellow meadiator to beware of these fake motives of cheater don't spend ur money in travelling by listening somebodies word there r many batoh ke kalakar. Don't pay fees to fake buyer genuine buyer have stop giving details of company since 2000. Genuine buyer will never give there detail easily intill unless rp is tested ok n normal fees of genuine buyer is between 2.5 to 6 lakh figure of above 7 is of idiot from nasa n fake company who quote 10 15 20 25 lakh in the name of anti radiation suit n scrap equipment senseless talking. SO BEWARE OF CHEATER BECAUSE RP IS RARE BUT THERE R MANY FOLLPULLER IN THESE FIELD.

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