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To abid & all friends we had practical experience ok (rp).. (General)

by Media all over india @, Mumbai all over india, Thursday, January 17, 2013, 03:14 AM (4168 days ago) @ Media all over india

Hello to abid sir and all friends,

first we wanna tell u to abid sir that we had past 10years experience in these rp (setting line) business ok sir we dont need any advice from any so call experience peoples such as abid etc..... And for ur kind information their are crores peoples who are strugling very hard in these rp business some1 come to roadside some1 done cheats and quit the line etc etc.....only we believe in black money (money which can we see by our eyes) we dont believe in white fund normally what happen to white money normally buyer give a bunch of documents to seller or main media and show the in out process to seller or media then what happen first only buyer tells to seller and media that total amount will be at 80/20 % 80% white and 20% black and first buyer tells first we release black money (20%) then white process starts all documents will be given after 21 working days etc etc..... Now calculate ur dealing rp business at example of 5000cr lumsum (including seller n media) now take out 20% from overall amount thats means 1000cr black money suppose seller gets 700cr to himself and media gets 300cr black money how can these peoples will move such a huge black money from 1place to another ????? What u will think if u will get so much huge black money in front of ur eyes ????? Whom u call (politician,police etc) can u trust on them ????? Yes or no normally no so what ????? Again we are requesting u all hard working peoples in these rp business think twice before making any deals first make a strong backup then get involve in these crores business ok friends and abid sir if we says anything wrong then we r sorry but its a fact u also try n see then u will know whether m right or wrong.....anyways.....

Thanks n regards

media all over india mumbai all over india

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