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150yrs old sword lifting the pot filled with 20kg rice in it (Functional Items)

by billijames, Wednesday, April 03, 2013, 09:19 AM (4102 days ago)

want to sell a sword which is made up of iron .. height about 4feet and weighing about 5-6 kgs... it has only one feature in it.

it can lift the pot filled with rice (apprx 20kgs of rice)

steps we tested with it.

take a plastic pot(bigger size), fill the pot with rice, put the sword in it to the pot till it reaches to the bottom of the pot, lift the sword, u can see the pot getting lifted along with the sword. Tested with BIGGER POT WITH(20KG) and with the small one too with (1/2kg)rice in it.

NOTE:- I DONT THINK ITS AN RP..ITS NOT PULLING THE RICE.. you may name it anything u want. But somehow feel that it's an antique item.

any :) genuine and direct interested buyers quote your price @

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