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Jaydeep ur rp is a timepass lots of meetings have been done (RP)

by Rp mumbai @, Mumbai (maharashtra), Tuesday, July 16, 2013, 07:24 AM (3974 days ago) @ jaydeepghorpade

Hello jaydeep,

ur talking about a 30inch rp kolhapur matter is not a new rp in the market this rp matter is goin around from past 6months or more they want to see profile,id card,jacket,anti radiation packing kit etc etc etc..... So main point is they dont want to invest a single rupee and give big big talks nothing else they can do in mumbai pune each and every media having this proposal even some media also know the name of the owner hundreds of party from mumbai gone their but no solutions have been made so better is closed this topic nobody will fulfill his wishes ok jaydeep.....

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