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To, all hard working peoples rp is legal or illegal deal ??? (General)

by A simple man @, India, Sunday, July 21, 2013, 04:52 AM (3997 days ago)

Hello again to all my readers,

i want to ask u 1 question :- rp is legal or illegal deal ??? Some peoples claims that its a legal some peoples says its a illegal unless its register by govt.drdo ??? I dont know how many peoples are true or false...but one thing is clear that rp business real happens its all depends on ur luck...from my knowledge rp is illegal u will ask how ??? Because rp is a radioactive particles its cant be touch by humans due to its radiation rays it can harm the person who ever goes like a hero and touch the article...rp is very rare particles which is found normaly in remote,village where there is low light or no lights...rp is illegal because u need to carry a valid licence or certificate from the govt to check,packed,and business just like real estate business peoples whoever deals in real estate they have local or all india estate agent association licence with them without the licence they cant do the business but lots of peoples do business on their risk without licence same like real estate rp also needs some documents ya there is lots of peoples who deals in rp as a financier,funder,investor etc...what they do first release a small token money in cr then they arrange the sample and give to drdo,govt authorities...once approval then govt gives one rp code to financier once he stick the code and small document paper on it then the rp is legal ya financier pay huge tax to the govt so thats why all these business is goin on due to financiers,funders otherwise these business will be stop and govt will declare the rp is illegal and banned ok friends so deal safely dont do lalach take what ever buyer gives u in cr mainly black dont go for white transaction as i told u white amount will be sieze by govt due to lots of better is take black money and settle urself.....anyways best of luck god bless u all and success u in ur work...

Thanks a simple man india.

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