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Once you read Metal88 and also to all (General)

by lucky2020 @, Bangalore, Sunday, November 02, 2014, 01:27 PM (3515 days ago) @ metal88

Dear sir ,

they started blame to innocent buyer and pressure all that he is fake & fraud to genuine buyer , for that sir how real buyer come in front all these nonsense all of you think about. One is trying expose reality but they all try to fraud them how can i ignore. Truth never ever die , the user who flase blame is vk118, azad, arunprabhu007 , maharajanivas , think once if i will slang you how you feel. I was only try to solve matter but again and again they continue blame other , they don't have other work only try to distrub. Sorry if i said wrong.They blame ravikumar jee , and his seller (sumanroy ,jacky) who sell note to them , they all said pressure that all are same person is this right without any proof.

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