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RP Experts required for Discovery Channel project. (General)

by john @, hyderabad, Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 04:01 (5883 days ago) @ John Boonda & Associates

hi sir, this is john from hyderabad,i have 4 yrs experience in rp field i m just 22 yrs old.i have seen many items of rp, natural rp as well as hand made rp, magnetic rp, electric rp,remote rp, n duplicate rp, i can tell u by seeing the item wat is this, n i have gud links all over india as well as my media n frm last 3 months i m fed up with this that's y i m not going any wer, if i started hunting means monthly minimum one i can bring it out n it will be genuine 100%, its clear no company will pay nothing before seeing the item n media should do wat ever they want, n i know very well all over india wat the people think abt rp, actually maximum media as well as owner of the item don't know wat is the exact use of rp or dp, but they think very very gud money for that, frankly speaking i have not done any clear deal because of media but i knoe very well no company will pay wat the owner n media ask. from last 1n half yr one item is in 20 km from maisur,owner is asking 1100cr per inch but media is asking 1100cr plus 1200cr per inch no company is ready , reliance has seen as well as sigma also seen the item n item is in magnetic kit of sigma or reliance.daily they r calling but i can't do anything for this. like this i have seen all over india i have too much stories which i have seen in this field. the actual price of rice puller is depend upon the weight of the item n frm how much iches its pulling the rice n wat is the colour of the rice after that, n more over in this field the owner as well as media don't know wat is the full form of rp, but they want full money wat they think, my dear friend this field is totally centimental field, its totally full of emotions, n depend upon the thinking of the persons wat they will think. sry i have wasted too much time if i will start menas ther is no full stop for to complete. come to the point according to me per inch 100cr to 500cr is the maximum limit of that n its clear nobody will tc after taking the amount, their mind will be block totally. my contact number is 9293105321. mail me at

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