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RP Experts required for Discovery Channel project. (General)

by martin durai @, Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 10:07 (5883 days ago) @ john

Hi Dear friend,

This is your idea. I welcomes u. I am from bangalore ( Basically from tamil nadu). We can't say that people are not knowing in anything blankly. Even i know less than one year in this field, but a lot experience. Those i got from many different people with different years of experience . I know how to get information from one person.

This is not the people mistake for their expectatation of huge amount. I have received huge amount offer from one german company . from that money I will be as much rich as anill ambany .that's what the businees got collapsed by the company' eagarness to get the material for them . i asked the licence no Here in india as well as in germany from that comapany they are not replied that what i can't make the deal.I have email proof from that company with terms and contions explained. i will accept what u told less than five hundred cr is nice and good deal. peo ple has to think what we will do with that much of money for our life . otherwise goverment has to put 75 % as tax to get more fund to divert to infra projects and other social activities.our product has to be valued more. it is our material. our people has to utilise by nice road to every village,good food for everyone. preserved water to every one.elcetricity access. technology access. good to every one. it 's big source for our big 100 crores people.

one thing i can tell u last . i know what materials are changed to rp. when it's get changed to rp .even black cat , double engine all these rp are one in orgin. i am completed my B.Sc., chemistry in st joseph's trichy. I will go through with sceintific approach with the information i got from from field to the net. i got a lot.

If i get the right company with good deal . i will change india with in 10 years.

Now it self i can locate lot of rp in the ground( by help of the land owner ). I know people ,in such a way they bring the material in ground to their hand by pooja. I got experience with that (it's a miracle experience to me) i am waiting to get one good deal . I know i can do it in near

future.I will do the best in my life.



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