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by kavin.c, Monday, March 13, 2017, 15:54 (2873 days ago) @ raja26

I will give you the Proofs from an Investor who lost his entire lot with Saran92. If we give the Proofs will you and Saran92 return all the Investments which Saran92 Lost. If Saran92 or you can return the Investors Loss Amount, I will give you Proofs.

Why are you blaming Uniglobe Markets? Only the Trader/Investor has the password. I don't believe your statement that Uniglobe Markets has unlawfully accessed an Investor's account without the knowledge of the Investor.

Forget Uniglobe Markets? The Password can only be with the Trader & Investor. There's no way Unigloble Markets can gain the password from Trader & Investor.

You're just making Uniglobe Markets as a scapegoat to escape from Saran92's fault. Be brave enough to accept your Loss! Your Trader Saran92 failed many Investors. He is only talking about Investors Accounts which yields Profits but he is not talking about Investor's Accounts which he has lost.

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