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by raja26, Tuesday, March 14, 2017, 13:09 (2871 days ago) @ kavin.c

1st of all are you educated means think this,

company only gave the passwords of clients ok,and even forex trading is illegal in india, Somany companies doing illegal activities there like xdirect, instaforex and all

my trader gave me higher profits, if you need means i can giv you passwords also

you can go n check it

no issues, i refer more clinets to my trader, he gav me more returns

without known dont blame anyone,

i had acc in uniglobe markets and even i seen their fradulent activities

client and trader only had passwords, but which order was placed that ip address is not traders or not investors,

company creating sumepupils in all the states n creating loss for clients

im asking one question for example: pupils deposited in company only , not in traders hand, so if acc was loss means company will get only gain,

even company placed automatically order placed for their brokerage funds ok.

in india already 4 companies closed in the same reason like xdirect, instaforex, alpari, nordffx, see the scam list of these companies

if you dont know anything means thats your mistake, but without known dont blame to anyone,

even i spoke to this hindinfra, they told thats company side fraudulent , now only he know all these things, if you had doubt means you cal to his hindinfra and ask the details

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