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by kavin.c, Wednesday, March 15, 2017, 20:27 (2870 days ago) @ maduraimahesh

If I was @hindinfra, I would get all the required information from Uniglobe and with the help of Trade History, I will find out the Culprit who executed those Loss Trades.

I'm not supporting Uniglobe. I have the right to suspect both @Saran92 and Uniglobe.

PS -- Your Account with Uniglobe starting with 655 proves that it's a new account and it should have been opened only during the month of February 2017.

Previously, you mentioned that you have been with Uniglobe for close to 1 year and that you stated that you know their Fraudulent Activities. If that's the case, then why did you again chose to Open Account with Uniglobe? You invested close to $2000 USD and you're claiming that @Saran92 traded it and yielded Profits close to $700 USD. If that's the case, why can't @Saran92 yeild profits for @hindinfra account in Uniglobe with $2000 USD Investment. If you claim Uniglobe has executed fraud transactions using @hindinfra without @Saran92's knowledge, then why Uniglobe didn't execute fraud transactions in your Account which was traded by @Saran92? This is why I have the right to suspect your contradicting statements.

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