Need party who receive bolivar in venezuela and pay in india (ADV - Financial)
<-- multiple "New topic" under one category in one day - moved here by Admin --> We need a genuine party who can receive Bolivar in their accounts in Venezuela and pay us here in cheque guarantee show us physical and take the transfer.We are always ready for work.Only those parties who can show n give physical guarantee only can contact. Work in only in India. Quote ur offers and details on +917030810100.
Complete thread:
- If anyone want to exchange old to new in small amount -
2017-07-17, 19:18
- Need party who receive bolivar in venezuela and pay in india - bmwkunal, 2017-07-17, 19:46
- want cash to cash anywhere in the world available here. - bmwkunal, 2017-07-17, 22:24