After 10th October Rp buying permission only DRDO companies (General)
After 10th October Rp buyers only DRDO companies only Other non DRDO companies not able buy Rp. In India only 4 companies have DRDO licence. Sellers must carefully about sail of Rp.
Ref noRDO 00158/VIG/NOTE/B. The occurrence of nuclear threat or radiological emergency is of the great concern. It is accompanied with sudden release of huge amount of harmful radiation or radioactive materials or both together in environment. The emergency can occur under various circumstances mainly due to accident with the carriage of radioactive material during transportation, wrong/faulty practices, failure of so called Sellers of these type of materials. Now these days, terrorist attack is become more prominent worry compare to others reasons. Terrorist can easily assemble and explode the ‘Radiological Dispersion Device’ (ROD) or Dirty bomb. This device will not produce acute radioactive contamination in the environment but creation of hoax of radioactivity to general public will be sufficient for terrorist’s aims.
Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur has developed “Mobile Nuclear Field Meter” for surveillance of the natural and artificial radioactivity released in the environment. This Is easily fitted in the vehicle is suitably modified as per the requirement in the field any weather conditions. In this vehicle various nuclear instruments viz. alpha and beta counting systems , air monitoring pump, gamma spectrometry system, hand held anemometer, contamination monitors, nuclear survey meters, Roentzenometer etc. were fitted for the measurement of radioactivity in different environmental matrices.
Very severe action will be taken by the authorities and it has been advised all the Head of the Vigilance department to co-operate with the officials during the time of action. If any Isolated Radioactivity material found in any area at the time of movements by the department. Or else urged only compliance with the designated Licenced Organisation to conduct the Radiactive Test to hold such activities to avoid malpractices in the market.
**************************************************************************** **************************DRDO Licensed company INTERNATIONAL ANTIQUE POWER CENTER ( CEO : S.S Gupta ) D. INTERNATIONAL ( CEO : George Kerry ) THOMAS & OLIVER CORPORATION( CEO : S.S Gupta )PRECIOUS EARTH METALS COLLECTOR ( CEO – Rogerio Ghomes
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- After 10th October Rp buying permission only DRDO companies -
2017-10-01, 19:49
- After 10th October Rp buying permission only DRDO companies - nilesh-patel, 2017-10-02, 18:31
- After 10th October Rp buying permission only DRDO companies - arun15, 2017-10-02, 18:50
- After 10th October Rp buying permission only DRDO companies - mayurn27, 2017-10-02, 23:30