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Lebbo Buyers and Fake companies (General)

by Gayathri Raghunathan Rao @, Indore, Sunday, March 08, 2009, 13:39 (5861 days ago) @ Allen

There are many phony and fake companies that claim they can invest or buy rare materials. Besides Ellekenfonvy, there is Sigma International, Delta, Heritage auctions, Metallica and a number of so-called UK, US and German representatives of fictitious overseas companies operating in India. I don't understand how they can have any experience in the field of testing rare metals when only two Lebbos were genuinely transacted till now in India. Neither of these transactions - one in 1993 qnd the other in 2003- involved any of these companies. The unimaginable amounts quoted by these companies and the methods of testing are all bull-shit. Calcutta is a hub of these fraud companies. There are others who pretend to have great knowledge, but eventually look for means to extract money out of you.

Anyone who has done sufficient and unbiased research in this field know very well that there are only two Eclipse Lebbos in existence out of the original 16 pieces that were created in 1616 AD. There are no other kind of Lebbos. And nobody knows the whereabouts of these two pieces. The internet is full of claims from hundreds of individuals who wish to sell a Lebbo coin of all sizes, weights and "functions". The internet is also full of buyers, testers and companies ready for transaction. How is that possible?

Anyone who has tried to acquire a Lebbo coin will confirm to you that when they reach the destination no material is shown to them. Instead money is extracted from you by the mediators for a "show". Even if the so-called material arrives, it always has no special characteristics. It is only a piece of metal that has been recently made. For this one has to lose considerable amount of money as "Testing Fees". It begins with a small amount for expenses. Later, you are caught in the frenzy of wanting to finish the transaction. In the end you shell out large amounts of money to an uneducated company representative who will disappear without a trace after demanding some impossible tests to be performed.

The two original Lebbos perhaps do exist somewhere, but they are best left alone considering the number of fraudsters that are running wild in our cities.


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