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Lebbo Buyers and Fake companies (General)

by Bobby Rajput @, Sunday, March 08, 2009, 14:57 (5861 days ago) @ Gayathri Raghunathan Rao

I do agree with you but just to clear your facts 16 where made and 9 where taken back to UK out of which 2 been on sale and 5 are missing now as far as i know one lebbo coin is blown during the experiment.

Now only 4 are left :-(

I have checked one original Lebbo coin in Kerala but unfortunately the Pin of the coin dont work.

4 months before I checked 9 Lebbo coins in Kerala and Tamil Nadu and except one all where fake. ;-)

Amazing part is all Sellers wanted Token money and proof of funds before hand :-| ..

Only thing I would say to all you Lebbo Buyers before any fraudster gets you is

The weight of Lebbo coin should be less than 200 grams.

Lebbo coin should be in box with manual.

Lebbo coin should have a pin for activation.

All the lebbo had the Box and all the boxes where made of Platinum metal.

As you mentioned in your post that "Calcutta is a hub of these fraud companies "all i would say is whole West Bengal is the Red Zone for all curious items. :-(

For more details about Lebbo contact me



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