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by Black Bir, Monday, December 13, 2010, 19:58 (5206 days ago) @ lovely sharma

Lovely 1stly I Wana know are u a male Of a female... I know That you're a female But just so raj say Bro lol.. So just wana clear that And comming to you're Question... Well there Is absolutely no variation In the price of you're material U can ask for a per inch price On mr and you'll get wnat u want The reason why the company asks For torch test is coz if you're Mr and rr is not perfect then The company can buy the material On torch test And there are no companies in Chandighar there are no buyers Just go for the direct monpany And not associate with the financers Coz if u do that the u will never Be able to execute a deal as The person who finances the deal has No company and you're produt will Be in the market and no genuine company Wll take interest in this proposal


Black BirÐ

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