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1995 - How to Check (Notes)

by santoshyadav, Monday, December 13, 2010, 19:55 (5206 days ago) @ Rajit Mishra

Dear Rajit,

Hope you are doing well!

Please send me the scanned copy of the note at the email id mentioned at the end of this message, If I will be interested I will call you back.

To Answer your question:

There are various ways to check the authenticity of a one rupee note printed in the year 1995

1) The note should bear the signature of ONLY Montek Singh Ahluwalia.

2) The note should have a genuine watermark, for the benefit of all those people who are new to this field, a watermark is the white portion on the left side of almost every Indian note which usually has an image of Gandhiji or Ashok Stambh …..for all the one rupee notes printed between 1949-1994 the watermark has the image of the Ashok Stambh …you have to keep the note on the table or cover the backside of the watermark portion with your palm …the watermark should not be visible or if the note is in uncirculated condition, the watermark should be very lightly visible…..and when you hold the note against light the watermark of Ashok Stambh should be clearly visible. In short the watermark should be clear only against light…and it should not look like the watermark is printed over the note.

3) There are some 1995 notes having the “5” of 1995 printed over the last “1”of the 1991 one rupee note because the 1 is usually very small, so you need to scratch the 5 very gently to check that issue.

4) There are some 1995 notes wherein the 5 of 1995 is printed over the 1991 one rupee note, but overprinting develops a small dark smudge, you can see that mark/smudge when you hold the note against the light.You need to see the '5' very carefully it should not have a different font or colour from the "199" of 1995

5) There are some notes which are entirely reprinted , in this scenario the notes look and feel extremely wet if they were washed in surf/ariel powder...the print quality of the note is very poor.

6) There are some notes which are made of bond paper, they have no proper watermark…no print quality, absolutely nothing genuine, even a child can make out the note is fake, but still people try to sell that note also.

The size and thickness of the note can also be checked, but then so far nobody has found a genuine 1995 note so the size and thickness has not been officially recorded. However you can compare the note with a 1994 one rupee note for size and thickness.

We sell a 1994 one rupee note for only 100 rupees per note. At your local jewellery market you might get the 1994 one rupee note for much lesser price, maybe just 25-50 rupees per note.

The bank employees can give a fair idea verbally, but no bank employee is ready to give it in writing on the bank’s letter head that the note is genuine or not.

Even after so many tests and precautions people come up with better ideas and make fake notes, it is always advisable to show the note to a reputed antique dealer or the buyer who is willing to buy your note, that way you would be slightly safe.

I say “slightly safe” because ….you never know, your buyer might back out at the last moment.

So the GOLDEN POLICY according to me is to buy a note for a very low price, depending upon your personal financial status, even if the note does not sell, spending the money to buy it should not make a difference to you.

In Indore, M.P. I meet people who try to sell me a 1995 note which does note seem genuine to me, they start with an unbelievable price and at last come down to just 10-25 thousand rupees only…..and again and again…….I tell everyone including those people who come to me…..

GUYS TRY FINDING GENUINE INDIAN CURRENCY BELONGING TO THE TIMES OF THE BRITISH….British Indian currency sells like hot cakes at various auctions happening all over the country…..all you have to do is seek notes having the photo of george or george vi from your elders in the family.

Best of luck for your search!

Once again,to know more about us, please click on … ”open in thread” on the right hand upper corner of this page ….and you will see all my articles...and you will know more about all the one rupee notes including the 1995 one rupee note.

You can also type santosh yadav in the search of rice-puller website and you will see all my articles in rice-puller

Please visit and type “truevaluecurrency” in the search fields and you will see some of the videos posted by us proving the ownership and possession of the products shown in the video.

You are also most welcome to visit our office at Indore, M.P. because the best way to complete a deal which includes an amount which you feel makes a difference to you.... is to always visit the seller , inspect the product thoroughly and only then pay the money. 9926-777-123 Best Regards, Santosh Yadav True Value Computers and Antiques.

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