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Message 4 david (General)

by David @, Mumbai, Monday, June 08, 2009, 17:29 (5712 days ago) @ Mr. X

Mr.X, Firstly, If u have a name Please mention it in the blog,secondly,I know Sigma International is a genuine company,but some people(Like Sarrah and her husband,maybe they have a big network of fake agents) out there are using its name and fooling gullible people.If u have the backing of the company then why are u afraid to venture into villages as u should also know that these things are not found in cities and unless and until a certified tester checks and packs the product how can we bring it to the city.We only wanted them to come and check,no money was asked from them there that was our responsibility.If u are from Sigma company make me your agent and I will find products for you,if yes we are open to talk on the commercial benefits for the work rendered by us.

Regards David.

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