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Rice Puller pot (RP)

by furkhan @, hyderabad, Thursday, August 04, 2011, 10:51 (4981 days ago) @ furkhan

hi this is khan from hyderabad i can make the deal plz mail me the videos and images of the pot and i can pay u per inch more then ur demands per inch. but the deal should be done in city and two tickets should be booked on our mens name and the location u should say it should be deal in hotel only. and no need to pay any company fees and all that if ur product is not genuine u should pay us 50000 as company fees to our mens. call me 09533044161 or else mail me at as u said u have the test report well send me the report too and who had tested it and all the details reagrding the product. well u can get more and legaly if u want it as ur owner dont give advantage to anyone. just free feel to call me and discuss but 1st send me the mail.

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